Summer Swingset SALE: FREE SHIPPING & 25% off all Swingsets!
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Unlike other manufacturers who send you 2000 parts, bolts, screws and an instruction manual that is 40 pages long, we make it easy. Our sets are the easiest to install on the market. That’s because we do most of the pre-assembly for you in our factory. As a result, our set can be assembled by 1 person in under 4 hours.
You will need an electric drill with good torque and a ratchet set. A hammer, to knock an occasional beam in place, might come in handy too.
Yes, yes, and yes. You can absolutely assemble our playsets yourself. Our playsets are actually the easiest to assemble on the market today! This is because we do most of the pre-assembly for you. Every other playset manufacturer will send you 2000 pieces of wood, bolts, nuts, screws and say “Go!”. Just be prepared to assemble every single slat for the deck floor, and clear your calendar for 4 days. But we won’t do that to you. All the main parts will come pre-assembled. You’ll just do the final assembly. Your kids can even help. It shouldn’t take more than a couple hours.
Many of our customers find that they can install the swing set themselves. If not, a local handyman would also be perfect for your needs!
Ideally the swing set should be on the most level surface you have in the yard. If you don’t have a level space, you’ll need to get out the old yard shovel and create one (don’t worry, it’s easier than you think). Next, you’ll want to make sure you check the dimensions of the set on our website and make sure the place you pick will accommodate those dimensions. But make sure you are not setting up the play set near any low hanging limbs as kids will definitely be inclined to swing from them (we know from experience). Finally, it’s best if you can put the swing set within eye shot of where you’ll be hanging out most. For example, if you spend lots of time in the kitchen, make sure you can see the swing set through the kitchen window.
Yes, the area where your swing set will be placed must be flat and level. This is for safety reasons. But it’s not too hard to do, even if your yard is sloped. Simply use a shovel and a rake to dig up and level the areas where the posts will rest.
Although many people only have grass or dirt under their swing sets, ideally you should put softer material under and around your swing set. You can use wood mulch or wood chips, rubber mats, or recycled tire. Check to see what’s available in your local hardware store. Another good tip is to call your local landscaper and ask if they’ve got extra wood chips they want to get rid of (they often do). The layer of padding should be 9” – 12” thick.
Ideally, you should apply a sealer or paint within 3-6 months of assembly. Any swing set manufacturer will tell you the same. Doing this, plus reapplying sealer or paint every 2 years will give your swing set the longest possible life.
Yes, even though the swing set is extremely heavy and durable, you should anchor the swing set to the ground for safety. You can do this one of two ways. Firstly, you can purchase swing set anchors from our accessories section on the website. These are specially designed anchors that screw into the earth at the bottom of the posts. These anchors are then attached to the posts using a regular decking screw. If you live in an area were the earth is soft, or you just want a heavier duty anchor, you can dig a hole and pour cement.
Of course! All of our installation instruction manuals can be accessed here.